10 Proven Ways to Get on Instagram's Explore Page

10 Proven Ways to Get on Instagram's Explore Page

10 Proven Ways to Get on Instagram's Explore Page

Do you want your brand to be seen by more people? If the answer is yes, then you need to get on the Instagram Explore page. The Explore page is a curated list of posts that are selected by the Instagram algorithm. It is a great place to find new and interesting content, and if you can get your posts featured there, you will see a huge increase in traffic and high engagement. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 different ways that you can get on the Instagram Explore page.

What the Instagram explore page is?

But first, let's talk about what the Explore page is and how it works. The Instagram Explore page is a personalized explore feed of content that is tailored specifically for each Instagram user. It includes posts from accounts that the Instagram user doesn't follow, as well as postings from popular accounts that the user may be interested in. The algorithm takes into account things like the user's interests, location, and who they follow to determine what relevant posts to show.


Now that we've covered what the Explore page is, let's get into how you can get your posts featured there. Here are ten proven ways to do just that:


Create interesting and engaging Instagram posts

This one is pretty self-explanatory. If you want to get on the Explore page, you need to post content that is interesting and engaging. That means creating content that is visually appealing, has interesting subject matter, and tells a story. Remember, the algorithm is looking for Instagram content that users will find interesting and relevant, so if your content fits that bill, you're more likely to be featured.


Instagram Hashtags are key

Use hashtags - and lots of them. Hashtags are a great way to get your relevant content seen by more people, and they can also help you get on the Explore page. When you use relevant and popular hashtags, you're more likely to show up in users' search results, and you're also more likely to be featured on the Explore page. So, don't be afraid to use hashtags liberally - just make sure they're relevant to your content.

For example, let's say you're a travel blogger. Some relevant hashtags to use would be #travel, #wanderlust, #adventure, etc. If you are a personal trainer, some great hashtags to use would be #fitness, #health, #workout, etc.

If you have no idea of the Instagram hashtags you could use, contact our staff and we will provide a list of hashtags related to your Instagram account.

Create Instagram content specifically for your target audience.

 Create Instagram content specifically for your target audience.

This is similar to the first point, but it's worth repeating. If you want to get on the Explore page, you need to create content that appeals to your target audience. That means understanding who your target audience is and what they're interested in. Once you know that, you can create content that speaks directly to them and their interests.


For example, let's say you're a fashion blogger. Your target audience is probably going to be interested in things like fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. So, if you want to get on the Instagram Explore feed, you need to create content that falls into those categories. That could mean anything from outfit posts to beauty tutorials to lifestyle tips.

Use location tags

In addition to using hashtags, you should also use location tags. When you tag your location, you're more likely to show up in users' search results, and you're also more likely to be featured on the Explore page. So, if you're looking to get more exposure for your content, make sure to use location tags. By doing so, Instagram algorithm will understand that your content is relevant to people in that area, and it will be more likely to feature you on the Explore page.


For example, let's say you're a food blogger based in New York City. If you want to get on the Instagram Explore page for NYC, you need to use location tags when you post about food. That could be anything from tagging the restaurant you're eating at to tagging the city you're in. Use as many location tags as possible to increase your chances of being featured.

Talk about polemic subjects

Polemic subjects are always a great way to get on the Explore page because they tend to be very shareable. People love talking about controversial topics, and if you can create content that sparks discussion, you're more likely to get on the Explore page. Just make sure you're prepared for the backlash that can come with talking about controversial topics.

For example, let's say you're a parenting blogger. Some polemic subjects you could write about would be things like discipline, vaccines, or screen time. These are all topics that tend to be controversial and generate a lot of discussion. So, if you can create content that is both informative and engaging on these topics, you're more likely to get on the Explore page.

Post at the right time

If you want your content to be seen by more Instagram users, you need to post it at the right time. That means posting when your target audience is most active on Instagram. For example, if your target audience is in the United States, you should post during the daytime because that's when most people in the US are online.


To find out when your target audience is most active, you can use Instagram Insights. This feature is available to all business accounts, and it gives you insights into when your followers are online. Once you know when your target audience is most active, make sure to post during those times for maximum exposure.

To make sure your content is posted at the right time you can schedule Instagram posts in advance. This is a great way to make sure your content is seen by as many people as possible.


There are a number of different scheduling tools you can use, but we recommend using Later. With Later, you can schedule both single posts and Stories in advance. Plus, it has a handy feature called First Comment that lets you leave a comment on your own post as soon as it goes live. This is a great way to get more engagement on your posts, and it can also help you get on the Explore page.

Use all of Instagram's features

Use all of Instagram's features

Instagram offers a lot of different features, and if you want to get on the Explore page, you need to be using all of them. That includes things like Instagram Stories, Live Videos, and IGTV videos. By using all of these features, you're giving yourself more opportunities to be featured on the Explore page.


For example, let's say you're a travel blogger. If you only post pictures of your travels on your feed, you're missing out on a lot of potential exposure. But if you also post Instagram Stories of your travels, as well as Live Videos and IGTV episodes, you're increasing your chances of being featured on the Explore page.

So, if you're looking to get more exposure for your content, make sure to use all of Instagram's features.

One of the most popular content formats nowadays is called reels, Instagram reels are short videos (15 seconds or less) that you can post on your feed or in your Stories. Reels are a great way to get more exposure for your content because they're very shareable. Plus, if you use relevant hashtags and target your audience correctly, you could end up on the Explore page.

Use engaging captions

Your caption is just as important as your photo or video. In fact, it's probably even more important because it's what will get people to stop and read your post. So, if you want to get on the Explore page, you need to use engaging captions that are sure to grab people's attention.


To write an engaging caption, start by telling a story. People love stories, and if you can hook them with a good one, they're more likely to stick around and read the rest of your caption. You can also ask questions or use emojis to make your caption more engaging. Just make sure you're not being too sales-y or self-promotional.


Tag other Instagram users


Another great way to get on the Explore page is to tag other users in your posts. When you do this, you're more likely to show up in their followers' feeds, and you're also more likely to be featured on the Explore page. So, if you want maximum exposure for your content, make sure to tag other users.


To find other users to tag, you can search for relevant hashtags or locations. For example, if you're a fashion blogger, you could search for #ootd (outfit of the day) or #nyc (New York City). This will give you a list of users who are likely to be interested in your content.

Now, if you want to learn how to take your Instagram account to the next level, make sure you read our article: 5 Secrets to Take Your Instagram Account to the Next Level here

Create an Instagram business account

If you want to get serious about getting on the Explore page, you need to create an Instagram business account. This is a free account that gives you access to insights and analytics for your posts. With this information, you can see which of your posts are performing well and adjust your strategy accordingly.


Plus, when you create a business account, you get a contact button that lets people easily get in touch with you. This is great if you're trying to grow your following or build your brand.


To create a business account, go to your settings and click on "Switch to Business Profile." From there, you'll be able to fill out your business information and choose a category.


¿what are the advantages of being on the explore page?


The main advantage of being on the Explore page is that it significantly increases your visibility and reach on Instagram. When you're featured on the Explore page, you're exposed to a whole new audience of potential followers. And, since the Explore page is one of the first things people see when they open the app, being featured there can really help you boost your engagement and grow your following.


In addition to increased visibility, being on the Explore page can also help you build credibility and authority. When people see your content on the Explore page, they'll perceive you as being more popular and more credible. And, as a result, they'll be more likely to follow you and engage with your content.

Time to take your Instagram account to the next level

So, if you're looking to grow your Instagram following and engagement, being on the Explore page is a great way to do it. By following the tips in this article, you can increase your chances of being featured on the Explore page and get more exposure for your content.

The Explore page is the first thing that people see when they open up Instagram. It's a good way to build credibility and authority because it exposes your content to more followers, but only if you're doing everything right. The tips in this article can help get you on the explore page by increasing visibility and engagement with your posts through increased reach or tagging other users. Creating an Instagram business account is also a great way to get more insights into your posts and increase your chances of being featured on the Explore page. Being on the Explore page can help you grow your following, so if you're looking to improve your Instagram presence, make sure to follow these tips. Thanks for reading!


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