10 Tips and Tricks for Creating Perfect Thumbnails for Your Youtube Videos

10 Tips and Tricks for Creating Perfect Thumbnails for Your Youtube Videos

10 Tips and Tricks for Creating Perfect Thumbnails for Your Youtube Videos

Creating the perfect thumbnail for your Youtube videos can be tricky. You want to make sure that it catches people's attention and entices them to click on it, but you also don't want to go overboard and have something that is too flashy or salesy. In this blog post, we will give you 10 tips and tricks for creating great custom video thumbnails!

What is a Youtube Thumbnail?

A Youtube thumbnail is a small image that represents your Youtube video. When someone is scrolling through the videos on their feed, your thumbnail images are what will show up. This is why it's important to make sure that your thumbnail impressions look good and accurately represent the content of your video!

Why do you need astounding Youtube Thumbnails?


Your video thumbnail is basically your video's first impression. You want to make sure that it looks good and catches people's attention, otherwise they might scroll right past it! Creating a great custom video thumbnail can be the difference between getting views and having your video go unnoticed.

What's the right size for a Youtube thumbnail image?


The recommended size for a Youtube thumbnail design is 1280x720 pixels. However, you want to make sure that your custom thumbnails look good on all devices, so try to keep the important details like the video's title or graphic elements in the center of the image.

What should a Youtube thumbnail image include?

Your thumbnail image should be eye-catching and accurately represent the content of your Youtube video. You want to include some sort of visual that will grab people's attention, whether it's a close-up of your face, an action shot, or something else entirely. Make sure that the video's title on your thumbnail is legible and easy to read!

Where can you create custom Youtube Thumbnails?

Where can you create custom Youtube Thumbnails?

There are a few places you can create custom Youtube Thumbnails. One option is to use a Youtube Thumbnail Generator. This website will allow you to upload stock images and then customize them to fit the Youtube thumbnail dimensions.

Another option is to use Photoshop. This program offers a wide range of features that can help you create the perfect Youtube thumbnail. In addition, there are many online tutorials that can walk you through the process step-by-step.

Finally, you can also hire a professional designer to create Youtube thumbnails for you. Whichever option you choose, make sure to select an image that is high quality and represents the content of your Youtube video in an engaging way.

Tips and tricks to create eye-catching thumbnails:

Now that you know the basics of creating a Youtube thumbnail, here are some tips and tricks to help you take your Youtube video thumbnails to the next level!

Use bright colors

Bright colors are eye-catching and will help your custom Youtube thumbnail stand out from the rest.

Include a call-to-action

Tell people what they can expect from your Youtube video and encourage them to click on your Youtube video thumbnail.

Use contrast

Color is one of the most important elements of any design, and Youtube thumbnails are no exception. The right colors can make a video stand out from the rest, and attract attention. However, the wrong colors can be just as effective at turning viewers away. That's why it's so important to choose colors carefully when creating Youtube thumbnails.

One way to make sure your thumbnail stands out is to use contrasting colors. A bright color against a dark background, or vice versa, will help your thumbnail stand out in a sea of less eye-catching options. So if you're looking to give your Youtube channel a boost, consider using contrasting colors in your thumbnails. It could make all the difference.

Test different thumbnails

Try out different video thumbnails and see which ones perform the best. You can use Youtube's A/B testing tool to compare two Youtube thumbnail images side-by-side.

Use the rule of thirds

The rule of thirds is a composition technique that can help you create an eye-catching custom thumbnail image. Simply divide your thumbnail into three sections horizontally and vertically, and then place the important details in the intersections.

Add a border

Adding a border around your youtube thumbnail design can help it stand out from the rest of the videos on Youtube.

Use movement

Including some sort of movement in your thumbnail images will help them catch people's attention.

Use negative space

Negative space is the area around the subject of your image. Using negative space can help to create a more visually appealing Youtube thumbnail design.

Use a background image

A background image can help to add some context to your thumbnail design and make it more visually interesting.

Choose the right font style

The font you use on your Youtube video thumbnail should be easy to read and legible. You want people to be able to quickly read the title of your video and understand what it's about.

Include an image of your face

Include an image of your face

People are more likely to watch a Youtube video if they can see the person who is speaking. including a close-up of your face in your Youtube thumbnails will help to increase views and engagement.

Now, if you want to learn how to get more views for your video content make sure you read our article: 10 creative ways to promote your Youtube videos here

Do you need help to take your Youtube channel to the net level?

Creating a great Youtube thumbnail design for your Youtube video can be challenging, but it's worth the effort. By following these tips and tricks, you can create an eye-catching Youtube video thumbnail that will help your video stand out from the rest. And if you need help to take your Youtube channel to the next level, consider hiring a professional marketer or designer. They can help you create custom Youtube thumbnails that are guaranteed to grab attention and get results.

What tips and tricks do you use when creating custom thumbnails for your Youtube videos? Let us know in the comments below!

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