5 Ways to Grow Your Instagram Account in 2021

5 Ways to Grow Your Instagram Account in 2021

4 minute read

5 Ways to Grow Your Instagram Account in 2021

It's 2021 and Instagram is more popular than ever. Instagram has seen explosive growth over the last few years, with new features being added all the time to keep things fresh for users. In this article, we'll discuss a few ways you can use to grow your Instagram account in 2021!


Grow your network.

Don't be afraid of the following button. Instagram allows you to connect with other influencers and brands, giving you the opportunity to engage in conversations with people who share your interests. Just search for someone's username or a topic you are interested in in the search bar at the top of your feed, then click 'follow'. It doesn't cost anything and it only takes a few seconds - why wait?

Use hashtags.

Use hashtags when posting photos so new users can discover your content more easily. Instagram provides an extensive list of suggested tags that relate to different topics; check this out before posting as they may be able to help you find even more Instagrammers who share your interests!

Research hashtags before posting them. Oftentimes, Instagram users use popular tags like "#love" (#follow) as spam filters because these words don't have much value other than getting some attention. If someone comments on one of your posts using an irrelevant hashtag, don't feel bad about blocking them! Instagram is an inclusive place for all users; spamming should not be tolerated.

If you want to learn more, read our article about the trending hashtags in 2021 here.

Use new tools.


Take advantage of Instagram's new feature, Instagram Stories. These are short videos and photos that disappear after 24 hours; they're great for documenting what you're up to in real life or sharing updates with followers on the go! You can make it public so anyone following you will be able to see - this is a really good way of connecting with people from all over the world without any effort at all.

Define your Instagram follower's audience.


Make sure your profile makes sense! If the aim of your account is to sell dog food, you should try and use content that appeals to dog owners. Remember, Instagram is primarily a picture-sharing app so images tend to be what catches people's attention. Use relevant hashtags like #dogsofinstagram or #petstagram when posting, and pay attention to the people who engage with you most (commenting or liking your posts) so you can develop your image!

In order to grow your follower count, it is important to maintain a consistent posting schedule. Try and post at least three times a week (or every other day), and rely on quality photography so that you can get the most out of the 15-second video limit and avoid using filters if possible. When all of these steps are taken, it will become easier to connect and maintain relationships with your followers!

Engage, engage, engage.

Engage with your followers and other Instagrammers by liking their photos or leaving comments. This will encourage people to continue following you - even if they're just lurking at the moment.

Your Instagram followers are more likely to engage with you if they see that you have been engaging with their photos and posts. Randomly liking or commenting on a photo may seem awkward, so it is suggested that your audience sees some sort of pattern in the type of content you like/comment on as well - this will help them feel comfortable following suit.

Don't know how to increase engagement on your Instagram account? Read our article about how to increase engagement on your account here.

The Instagram growth service you need

Instagram is the social media platform. It has grown to more than 700 million users in just six years. It’s also one of the most difficult platforms to grow your organic following on, with engagement rates dropping as low as 0.7%.

If you want to make money from your Instagram account or if you want to grow your business, then it’s important that you have an engaged audience and a large reach. But how do you get more followers? How do you build an active community around your brand? And how can you target new customers who are interested in what you have to offer?


We provide high-quality services for growing Instagram accounts by providing real and active followers interested in the content that their favorite brands post on their accounts. We can help any influencer or entrepreneur achieve massive growth through our state-of-the-art technology platform without having to spend hours each day posting content or trying different tactics until they find something, check out our services here.

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